GENDER: Female

AGE: 1.5 years

WEIGHT: 25 lbs


Cat Friendly: Unknown

Female mixed breed, 1.5 years old, 25 lb.Tiny has plenty of likes as there isn’t much she doesn’t like! She LOVES FOOD (of any type and should be fed in a slow feeder), bones, toys, squeakers, stuffies, blankets and pillows, sitting in whatever chair you just got up from, walks and runs on leash, sunning herself the deck, doing zoomies around the yard, belly rubs and back scratches, and Tiny LOVES OTHER DOGS! Tiny does get carsick on rides, and she doesn’t like lawnmowers or loud noises.

She is as cute as can be and will make a great companion. A fenced yard for her is a plus and she would really love a playful dog as a brother or sister to run around with.

Tiny has undergone heartworm treatment and is now negative. She will require standard monthly hw preventatives.

To meet TINY DANCER, please submit the application for adoption which can be found at www.K9Orphans.org/adopt