BREED: Terrier Mix
GENDER: Female
AGE: 4 months old
WEIGHT: 15 lbs & growing
Rochester, NYFemale terrier mix, 4 months old, currently 15 lb.ONNIE is a heartbreaker. This baby loves all people and other dogs…she’s gorgeous and just look at those adorable feet! She’s working on being potty trained and has been crated briefly and she’s doing great at both. She’s super cuddly and loves to be with you…she has no fear so big dogs do not intimidate her. ONNIE has not been cat tested but we don’t think cats would be an issue for her. To meet or adopt ONNIE, please submit the application for adoption.
ONNIE will be put on a schedule with our Veterinarian for any remaining booster vaccinations and will also be spayed and microchipped at 6 months at our Veterinarian as part of the adoption process. She is on flea/tick and heartworm prevention. Her adoption fee is $450.00.