AGE: 4 Months
WEIGHT: 25 lbs. & growing
Luke seeks a loving family to call his very own. This little ham cake is around 4 months old and currently 25lbs. He is a complete love! Slightly timid yet playful, he loves nothing more than to cuddle after a good round of zoomies through the house. Luke loves people and would be fine with children (although his puppy teeth are very sharp) … he plays well and is respectful of other dogs. He has not been cat tested but will most likely just be curious, if anything.
Luke did not spend too much time outdoors yet and is leery of the unfamiliar noises, traffic, Dunkin’ Donuts drive through speakers, and Whitesnake on the 80s station. He’s working on everything but Whitesnake. He loves toys (stuffies, bones, bully sticks you name it. He is almost completely potty trained (if he goes out regularly) and he enjoys sleeping in. He knows “sit” and will sit for his breakfast and dinner and any treats in between.
Whoever adopts Luke needs to promise to love and cherish him forever and pinky swear to it.
To meet or apply to adopt Luke please submit the adoption application!