Age: Currently 11 weeks old

Weight: 12 lb.

Gender: Male

Breed: Terrier mix

Color: Shiny black with white

From Lokis foster Mom: Likes: snuggling, chewing on bones or hard toys, playing with his foster brother, following his humans everywhere they go, and eating! Dislikes: a little skittish with loud noises like the vacuum cleaner but I’m sure this is his first experience with that. Doesn’t like when he has to go out in the rain. Working on potty training. We set a timer for every 30 to 40 min when he is awake. He knows what he needs to do when he is outside. And he gets a small treat everytime he goes potty outside. He is very food motivated. He is in the crate during the day while the girls are at school and we are at work. He does have accidents in there still but not everyday. Whines and barks when he is first in the crate but calms down after a few minutes. He sleeps in bed with us and gets up once around 3-330am to go potty and then right back to bed. Did I already say he loves snuggling? He always has to be touching some part of you when he is sleeping!**To meet or apply to adopt Loki you need to submit the Application for Adoption found at K9Orphans.org.❤️