GENDER: Female

AGE: 9 Months old

WEIGHT: 24 lbs



LENA is a female mixed breed at 9 months old and 24 lb. Lena is a high energy girl who loves to play with toys, other dogs and with people. She is extremely affectionate and loves to cuddle and hug you. We are looking for an ACTIVE owner for her as she will need an outlet for her energy and spunk. She could be agility champion of the world as this girl is extremely fast and smart. Currently she knows sit, down and stay. She LOVES treats! Not only does she ride great in the car, she lets you know when she needs to go outside and go potty. Her fur is silky and jet black (only a whisper of white on her chin) and she shed only a little bit in her recent bath. Lena would be fine with children and cats and would most likely love another dog to play with. Again, we are looking for an active owner as this girl has decided that being a couch potato is just not for her. To meet or applied to adopt Lena. Please submit the Application for Adoption.

Lena, what we have learned this week: March 3, 2021

She is small and stealth (25lbs), happy and smart. She is fine with snow and cold, playing in it with her foster brothers( both are big, hairy dogs). She will wear a coat but prefers not to. She prefers sleeping in bed with you and sleeps through the night. She eats with her foster brothers and politely stays away from their bowls. Rides well in the car. She’s been going everywhere we go, and is getting more comfortable with strangers and new environments. She plays hard, like a puppy