AGE: 9 months old

WEIGHT: 50 lbs & growing


Cat Friendly: Unknown

They say everything is bigger in Texas, and this guy’s heart is no exception. Despite his excellence, Finn found himself in an overcrowded shelter with no hope until our rescue partners stepped in. With their help, our funding, and the commitment of his fabulous foster parents, Finn made the trip from Texas to New York to find his forever home. He has never seen snow so he is in for a rude awakening.

Finn is about 9 months old and just under 50 lbs. He still has some growing to do so he will be a good size but not massive. We don’t know his breed mix, but he looks like he has some hound in there. His foster says he is incredibly sweet and gentle and that he hasn’t met a human or dog he doesn’t like. He would be a wonderful family dog! He does well around respectful children and doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.

This good boy is a gentleman on walks and already house-trained! He is very athletic and LOVES to run so a fenced yard and another dog to play with would be ideal. When he’s tuckered out he equally enjoys napping on the couch, especially when he can cuddle with his humans. Finn is shy around new people and places, but with the help of an emotional support human he does great.

All he’s asking for is someone to tell him he’s a good boy, cuddle, and play with him!

If you would like to meet Finn, please submit the adoption application.