Gender: Male

Breed: Male terrier

Age: Approx. 3-4 years old

Weight: Approx. 65 lb.

Beef is a great, great guy. From his Foster Mom: He LOVES his cuddles and his belly rubs MORE THAN ANYTHING! We “worked” today… I snuggled on Foster Mom’s lap while she talked to people on the screen. The humans also play me classical music for doggos when I’m sleeping and I think my brain might be getting bigger cause they tells me I have a fat head all the time. I love my foster siblings too! We all have common interests… sleeping, eating, the good stuff. Foster Mom says you should know I have flaws though — my farts can clear a room and I snore. Oh well! We have lots of construction around here and sometimes it scares me and I whine a little, but I feel better when Foster Mom gives me a good cuddle! Foster Dad is pretty cool too… we watch the footballs together. GO BILLS. And I’m not trying to brag or anything but I’m housebroken, crate trained and I know a few basic commands 😏. I like dogs and I’m really good with kids! I can’t wait to meet my new family sometime hopefully real soon! You can fill out an application if you want to meet me at Look for the Adoption Application! Did I say GO BILLS? GO BILLS.