AURORA – Rochester NY area
Female, Terrier mix, 5.5 months old (DOB 5/10/24), 30 lb..(Junipers sister)
– Wide white stripe on head
AURORA is a beautiful playful puppy who plays and plays and then naps hard! She loves toys, cozy beds and other dogs. She would be great with children but may steal their snacks. Training will be a breeze with this girl because she is food motivated (but not overly so). She is crate trained for nights and keeps her bedroom clean but would love to sleep on a plush bed. She is also respectful of all her stuffy toys and enjoys chewing on bones.
Aurora is shown here with her sister Juniper. Both are available for adoption at this time. A few months back, they were in the shelter and had noncontagious Demodex mange, which made their hair fall out. It has come in beautifully and will continue to improve!
To meet or adopt Aurora please submit the Application for Adoption found on our website at Thank you!
(Aurora has the wide white stripe on her head)