Meet the Directors
Jodi DiSchino-Lanpher

Jodi makes her home in Greece, NY with her fur babies Gemini and Chapo. She works full-time in Human Resources. Her passion for animals, specifically dogs started back before she can even remember. Whether it was saving a squirrel, ducks, or puppies she always loved them.
Jodi first became aware of the huge need for rescue in our area when she adopted a puppy in 2012. After that she quickly became a volunteer and two-time “Foster Failure” as rescue lovingly calls it. Jodi has personally fostered over 45 dogs from young litters to Gramps, the geriatric hospice foster. Jodi met Jennifer Davies North while they were both scrambling to save dogs on Craigslist and Facebook. While she was working part-time at Dog E. Woggy’s K9 Playtime in 2015, she was approached with an opportunity to take over K9 Orphans, Inc. and knew her friend Jennifer Davies North would be the PERFECT partner. From there, K9O as we know it now began. Jodi has been amazed and simply in AWE at the response the community has had to the rescue. “The support of our priceless volunteers has made this rescue what it is today and I so look forward to future growth and helping dogs in need.”
Jennifer Davies North
Jack Calcines

Board Members
LAUREN CHIAVAROLI (Adoption Coordinator)
“It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog that comes into my life Gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.” ~ Anonymous